Service Category: PGM Services


At PGM Nigeria Limited, we are familiar with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000, and associated Regulations. We have specific OH&S policies, plans and procedures in accordance with the Act that are adopted by all staff and subcontractors. Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy Statement and Fieldwork Safety Guidelines are available on request. Health, Safety and…

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Quality Assurance

PGM Nigeria Limited maintains ongoing quality assurance procedures as part of our Quality System.  We have a strong commitment to quality assurance and recognize that it is an essential part of successful project completion. Adherence to the company’s Quality System ensures that we efficiently fulfill our contractual obligations to our clients and that all products prepared in-house are thoroughly edited…

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Embark on a journey of spatial insights and environmental intelligence with PGM Nigeria Limited’s advanced GIS and Remote Sensing services. Our cutting-edge technology and skilled professionals empower you to harness the power of geographical data for informed decision-making and sustainable practices. Our GIS and Remote Sensing Services Offer: Geospatial Mapping: Accurate and detailed mapping solutions utilizing GIS technology, providing a visual…

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Environmental & Social Auditing

Environmental & Social Auditing is a strategic practice that involves a comprehensive examination of an organization’s activities, operations, and supply chains to assess their impact on the environment and society. At PGM Nigeria Limited, we recognize the importance of these audits as a powerful tool for enhancing sustainability, ensuring compliance, and promoting responsible business practices. Understanding Environmental & Social Auditing:…

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Environmental & Social Monitoring & Evaluation

Environmental & Social Monitoring & Evaluation (ESM&E) is a cornerstone of PGM Nigeria Limited’s commitment to sustainable business practices. This comprehensive approach involves ongoing scrutiny of environmental and social aspects to assess performance, identify areas for improvement, and ensure compliance with established standards. At PGM Nigeria Limited, we understand the importance of ESM&E in fostering responsible operations and contributing to…

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Right-of-Way Acquisition

Introduction: In the dynamic field of environmental management, securing the right-of-way is a pivotal step towards achieving sustainable and responsible project outcomes. At PGM Nigeria Limited, we are dedicated to providing specialized Right-of-Way Acquisition services that seamlessly navigate regulatory landscapes while prioritizing environmental integrity. What is Right-of-Way Acquisition? Right-of-Way Acquisition is the strategic process of obtaining legal permissions and access…

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Preparation and Implementation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)

As a responsible corporate entity, PGM Nigeria Limited recognizes the importance of harmonizing progress with community welfare. In instances where projects necessitate resettlement, we prioritize the Preparation and Implementation of Resettlement Action Plans (RAP) to ensure the well-being of affected communities. Our commitment goes beyond project success; it extends to fostering positive social impacts and inclusive development. Understanding Resettlement Action…

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

At PGM Nigeria Limited, we recognize the significance of thorough Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) as a fundamental step in our commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices. ESIA serves as a comprehensive tool for identifying and managing potential environmental and social impacts associated with our projects, ensuring that our operations align with the highest standards of environmental stewardship…

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